Monday, August 18, 2008

TimeWarner and World of Warcraft Do Not Agree

TimeWarner and World of Warcraft are seriously pissing me off. I want my 200ms back!

I get lag spikes of over 2487ms HOURLY. HOURLY. This seriously, seriously needs to be fixed. I'm virtually unable to play at these times. Really pissing me off.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

People are idiots.

So I played Habbo Hotel today because I thought "I feel like picking on people." There's this Roleplaying floor. "Oh, look, roleplaying." So I go in there and join this Mafia RPG. I beat up some Admin of it, who then says "You didn't break my face in with a bat because I dodged it even after you hit me with it twice. I can roll away from it and still fight normally." I CRUSHED YOUR DAMN FACE IN WITH A BAT. YOU SHOULD BE LYING ON THE FLOOR CRYING. I know I'd be crying like a little bitch if someone bashed my face in with a bat. God, people on that game are dumb.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Shadow Priests are fucked in TBC, not so much in WotLK

Shadow Priests were FUCKED in TBC. Sure, we have our uses in PvE, but in PvP we're nothing. The most I can do is get my DoT's off on a target, throw out a Mind Blast and SW:D, and run around until DoT's need to be reapplied. Mind Flay is point useless when I'm being nuked to all hell by rogues, warriors, warlocks, and/or mages. I have ZERO survivability unless I decide to pop out of Shadowform, take 15% more damage than I would IN Shadowform, and try to pop off a Flash Heal for 1318. However.. WotLK has a few things in store for us Shadow Priests. What does this consist of? I'll tell you.

Improved Spirit Tap (0/2)
Your Mind Blast and Shadow Word: Death critical strikes increase your total spirit by 25%. For the duration, your mana will regenerate at a 25% rate while casting. Lasts 8 sec. Scales at 25% a talent point, making both 50% maxed out.

For PvE? FUCK YES! Finally! Shadow Priests, even with out mana regenerative Vampiric Embrace, has not always given us sufficient mana to keep up constant DPS unless we chain pot, which is not possible anymore in WotLK. This talent seems to be helping and supporting Potion Sickness.

Improved Shadowform (0/2)
Your Fade ability now has a 50% chance to remove all movement imparing effects when used while in Shadowform, and gives you a 35% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage when casting Shadow spells. Scales at 50% for Fade per talent point, 35% per point for interruption avoidance.

Fade has become useful!! I expect builds that actually spec in Improved Fade now.

Psychic Horror (0/2)
Causes your Psychic Scream spell to have a 50% chance to fear the target in horror for 4 seconds. Scales at 50% a talent point.

I don't really understand the wording. Psychic Scream is our fear.. but the talent makes them run in fear? I don't get it. Oh well.

Pain and Suffering (0/3)
Your Mind Flay has a 33% chance to refresh the duration on your Shadow Word: Pain ability, and reduces the damage caused to you by your Shadow Word: Death by 20%. Scales at 33% a talent point, and 20% a talent point.

Ooh la-la. It looks delicious, especially when I nuke people with my SW:D. I might reconsider not rerolling Death Knight.

Twisted Faith (0/5)
Increases your Shadow spell power for 6% of your current spirit, and your damage done by your Mind Flay and Mind Blast is increased by 1% of each damage over time spell on your target. Scales at 6% a talent point, and 1% a talent point.

Omfg. Increases your Shadow spell power for 6% of your current spirit is fucking nuts. Gasp, wheeze, mouthbreath, drool, gasp, wheeze. I like it. I love it. I want some more of it.

Dispersion (0/1)
You disperse into pure shadow energy, reducing all damage taken by 90%. You cannot attack or cast spells, but you regenerate 6% of your health and mana every 1 sec. for 6 sec.

Fi-fucking-inally. Something for Shadow Priests to survive with. Cooldown isn't too bad.. but not what I like to see. Disperse, run, come back. I see that being a formidable strategy in battlegrounds. Arenas? Disperse, run around, heal me once. Boom, back to near-100%.

My verdict: I love it all. Even some new Discipline talents which I don't feel like writing out. (Tier 1 new talent is sexy.) Shadow Priests can finally stop sucking shits.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

First Post, and I Don't Like This

I always thought of Blogging to be some way of emos to express their inner feelings, which I don't really give a shit about. Anyways, I broke down and made one. Here it is, in all it's crappy glory.